I love doing magick and rituals with lots of candles. I guess candles just create a mysterious type of mood when burning!
Some of the following spells came from Ray Bucklands book Practical Candleburning rituals or Advanced Candle Magick and I may have reworded them to my liking.
Where you see the term "Petitioners Candle" that is the person doing the spell or who you are doing the spell for. You will need a candle of the astral color of the person. Also you may need to know the candle color for the days of the week. Click here for those.
Candle Color Meanings Red - energy, strength, passion Blue - wisdom, protection, creativity, communication, water, healing Purple - spiritual power, psychic ability and energy, hidden knowledge Silver - dreams, the goddess, intuition, telepathy, feminine power Pink - love, peace, romantic, emotions, Gold - wealth, god, happiness Black - binding, protection, banishing negativity Copper - money, growth Yellow - sun, intelligence, memory Green - fertility, money, tree magick, growth, Brown - friendships, favors White - the goddess, purity, spiritualism, peace Dressing Your Candles and Oils to Use Dressing the candle means anointing it with an essential oil. You dress your candle by rubbing your chosen oil on it from the top of the candle to the center. Then you rub the bottom of the candle to the center. Below is a list of Oil used for anointing candles. Patchouli - for money or sexual desires Rose - love, peace, sexual desire, enhance beauty Geranium - protection Myrrh - healing, meditation, enhance spirituality Basil - happiness, peace, money, stimulating the conscious mind Juniper - healing, protection, purification Clove - courage, protection Jasmine- the moon, love, psychic awareness, peace, spirituality, sexuality
Spell for money/Prosperity: A green candle Runes- Money sign For your part of the world, One for weallt, Good fortune. Perhaps one for a gift(Unexpected) Oils: Patchouli and/or lavender Herbs: Oregano or lavender Follow steps 1-3 in the techniques section. Take a coin or Bill of small denomination and place it on your altar or where ever you are going to burn the candle. Or if it's to pay bills, Take a photo copy of that bill and just before the candle burns completely out. Lite the copy of the bill. Or burn it in your censor. Don't forget to contribute some small amount of the money gained to a charity or someone less fortunate. Spell For Fertility. A green candle Runes: Gender rune, Fertility rune Oils: Vanilla Herbs: Lavender. (Or your mates favorite flower or scent. Same for the oil used) Follow steps 1-3 on the techniques page. Visualize the outcome you want. Remember that fertility can apply to mental status as well. Burn the candle along with some appropriate incense in your censer or burner. Spell to Bring on a late Menstrual Cycle IMPORTANT NOTE ON THIS SPELL: DON'T cast this spell unless you are SURE you are NOT PREGNANT. Magick is very powerful and can cause you to miscarry if you cast this spell without precautions! One RED Candle Runes: woman, Orderliness, Blood drops Oils: Patchouli, Lavender or your favorite scent Herbs: Lavender, Mugwort Follow steps 1-3. Take a sanitary napkin or tampax and place it on your altar or where ever is safe and you are going to do the candle spell. Visualize starting your cycle. Light the candle and let it burn.Stress Relief
What you need: Blue candle (as many as you like - I just use one) Pentacle - for balance and energy (I just wear my necklace) Some incense - (Now I know certain types are used for certain things, but pick one that is most calming to you - I use Nag Champa becuase it calms me and smells yummy) Charge your candle and place it near your pentacle or if you are wearing your pentacle, just wear it. Light the incense and then the candle. Concentrate on the flame (don't stare too long, it will cause a bad headache.) Cup your hands around the flame and feel the peace and calming energy flow into your body. Get close to the candle to feel it enter your mind as well - DON'T GET TOO CLOSE!!! I did and burnt by hair and it smelled bad. Finally, if you don't want to burn the candle all the way down, you can put it out. I lick my thumb and forefinger and quickly grab the wick - Do it quick or you burn your fingers and it hurts! Also, say something so the energy remains, like: Though your flame is quenched in the physical, You still shine in the astralA Job Spell
This is best begun on the night of the New Moon: Use an astral candle for yourself - your color A brown candle for the job itself A green candle for prosperity Burn a prosperity incense and anoint the candles with a prosperity oil - I would use cinnamon. Anoint from wick to end. These candles should be in a safe place, they have to burn out entirely. Place the brown candle in the center, the green on the right, and the astral on the left. Light the astral : I ask for change, that is my right, open the way, clear my sight. Light the green : Good luck is mine and prosperity, help me Great Ones, come to me. Light the brown : Opportunity, work, rewards I see, And as I will So Mote it Be. Say the above as you light the candles. Leave these to burn out completely and dispose of the wax afterwards. Each night, for a week, or until the candle is used up, light a second brown candle for 9 minutes while meditating and gaining balance in preparation for the job and the good to come. During this time period, Actively seek a job. Listen to your intuition and follow up on all leads.
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