Zodiac Sign | Dates of Sign | Primary Color | Secondary Color |
Aquarius | Jan.20-Feb.18 | Blue | Green |
Pisces | Feb. 19-March 20 | white | Green |
Aries | March 21-April 19 | White | Pink |
Taurus | April 20-May 20 | Red | Yellow |
Gemini | May 21-June 21 | Red | Blue |
Cancer | June 22-July 22 | Green | Brown |
Leo | July 23-August 22 | Red | Green |
Virgo | Aug. 23-Sept. 22 | Gold | Black |
Libra | Sept. 23-Oct, 22 | Black | Blue |
Scorpio | Oct. 23-Nov. 21 | Brown | Black |
Sagitarius | Nov. 22-Dec. 21 | Gold | Red |
Capricorn | Dec. 22-Jan. 19 | Red | Brown |
Data taken from Practical Candle Burning Rituals by Ray Buckland
As you can see by the table above, everyone has a specific color assigned to their zodiac sign. These colors can be important when using color or candle magick.
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