The Book of Shadows
Here you will find one of the largest online Book of Shadows. This
page may seem a bit unorganized but I can't think of any other
way to do it and I would hate to have a bunch of links for
you to have to click on to get to the information
you are looking for. So
check back often for more items. If you would like to have
a spell or information posted here, e-mail me! If you see
*UPDATED* next to a section, the new information is listed first.
Magick is the art of causing change to occur in
accordance with one's desires. It is the power to
manipulate, channel, and direct sources of energy to
empower one's mind. The mind creates mental images or
sigils of its desire which can be empowered by those
sources of energy to which the practioner has access. The
abilities that can be obtained through a working knowledge
of magick are neither good or evil. It is only the
application of one's abilities that constitue such
-From The Wiccan Mysteries by Raven Grimassi
Table of Contents
Please choose one of the following:
Tips For The Solitatry Practitioner
A Book Blesssing |
Beliefs |
Wiccan Rede |
Pagan Terminology|
What is Magick? |
Tools |
Altars |
Spell Worksheets |
Stone and Gem Directory |
God and Goddess Directory
Charge of the Goddess |
Charge of the God |
Charge of the Dark Goddess |
Charge of the Dark God
The Pentagram |
Creation Myths |
Pagan Humor |
Pagan Traditions |
Pagan Parenting
Circle Casting |
The Wheel of the Year |
Misc. Sabbat Stuff
Full Moon Rituals |
Dark Moon Rituals |
New Moon Rituals |
Solitary Moon Ritual |
Herbs |
Writing Spells & Rituals |
Basic Spell Construction |
Candle Magick
Rituals of Thanks |
Protection Spells |
Correspondence Tables |
Pagan Glossary |
Employment Spells
Anger |
Snow Magick |
Thanking a Household
Protector |
A Cat Blessing Ritual |
Invocations, Chants, and Prayers
Witches Bottles|
Dream Spells|
House Protection
Channeling Healing Energy |
Psychic Spells |
Vaccuum Ritual |
To Find Inner Beauty
Star of Love Spell |
A Birthday Ritual |
Ring of Hearts Spell
To Ease Emotional Pain |
Depression |
Purifications |
Astral Projection Techniques |
Prosperity Rituals
Handfasting |
Remember A Past Life |
Prophecy |
Banishing Rituals
Attraction Spell |
Ground and Center |
Chocolate Ritual
Book Binding Ritual |
Love Spells |
Binding Spells |
Spell Reversal
Witches Ladder |
4 Winds Wish Spell |
Shielding for beginners
Totem Animals
Revive Magickal Powers |
Morning Rituals |
Amulets & Talismans
Smudging |
Creativity Rituals |
Spirit Guides
Elements |
Invoking the Winds |
Child Blessing Rituals |
To See Spirits |
Glamoury |
Open Up The 3rd Eye |
Balance |
Healing Rituals
Encourage Love |
Make Enemy Your Friend |
Celtic Cross Spell |
Balancing Yin and Yang |
Purifying Your Emotions |
Contacting Your Higher Self |
Burning Coffin Spell |
Hearth Spirit Spell |
Dream Manual |
Leave Me Alone Spells
Drawing Down the Moon |
Sacred Herbs of Gods |
Sacred Herbs of Goddesses |
Understanding Moon Phases|
Untwisting Your Life |
Dealing with Neighbors |
Chakra Information |
Aura Information |
Heart Healing Meditation |
Ring of Protection |
Strengthen Your Psychic Shield
Weight Loss Spells |
Lilith Info. |
Breathing Exercises
50 Simple Charms |
Improving your Aura|
The Use of Color in Magick> |
The Greenman and His Ways |
10 Healing Crystals for Kids |
Creating a Magickal Formula |
Using the Void of COurse Moon |
Basics of Astrology |
Room Candle Cleansing
Releasing Emotions After Abuse
Mirror Magick
Connecting with the Goddess
Gaia Prayer
Cauldrons and their Uses
Spells not yet filed
Back Home
The information presented on the Lunar Pearl Pagan Website is for educational purposes only. I cannot be held responsible for use or misuse of this information, especially regarding formulation of magickal acts or treatments of oneself or others. Although I strive to provide accurate and useful information, no guarantee is made regarding the accuracy of the material presented herein.