Soul Retrieval

Soul Fragmentation
by Dr. Michael G Millett
Soul Retrieval is a shamanic approach to healing. 
Soul Retrieval has been a
powerful technique for thousands of years.
In the native tradition of shamanism, illness was 
an indication that the
soul had vacated the body. The shaman journeyed 
into nonordinary reality to
retrieve the soul and return it to the sick 
person restoring wholeness and
health. Fragmentation as the source of illness is 
an important concept in
many native healing traditions. It is also true 
to say it is an important
contribution to the concept of holistic healing.
Fragmentation seems to be a common condition 
stemming from the many
perceived traumatic situations in life, ranging 
from minor to severe, real
or imagined.
The emotional trauma caused by these conditions 
can initiate dissociation
and splitting of the consciousness as a coping 
mechanism. The experience of
the trauma is literally stored in a fragment of 
the consciousness, the
subpersonality which becomes separated and 
isolated from the main
consciousness. The percentage of fragmentation 
can range from minor to
A lack of childhood memory is a sure sign a soul 
part is gone. The cause of
not remembering incidents is soul loss.
The soul part has left with the memory. This is 
very common in the modern
world, as non-tribal societies tend to be out of 
touch with the feelings of
the developing child, especially in the name of 
When I do a Soul Retrieval - the aim is to 
achieve maximum client
participation, guiding them gently in hypnosis to 
find their own soul parts,
and inspect and help heal the trauma that caused 
the soul part to leave in
the first place. The healing that we do together 
reduces the duration of
each emotional shift that inevitably occurs 
during the few weeks of
integration period after a Soul Retrieval 
Session. It`s expected that after
awakening decades (or centuries - in the case of 
past life) of suppressed
emotions there will be a number of ups and downs, 
a little joy here, and a
little upset there. It must be said too that some 
soul parts are electrical
energies that belong specifically to the body and 
could be called "somatic
souls", and some are energies that relate to the 
slower or more material
frequencies of the being. It is not often 
necessary to specify what sort of
soul one is dealing with within the work. The 
need of the analytical mind to
carefully classify and explain everything 
according to its own limited rules
may well be an important causative factor in 
modern societies being so
soul-less. It is so easy to come up with a set of 
dynamic sounding
definitions that appeal to the ego that it is 
extremely easy to create an
ego-boosting way of working.
Suffice to say there can be any number of 
separate fragments for different
explanations and reasons. Each fragment maintains 
a connection with the main
consciousness by a thread, a fibre of the silver 
cord that attaches the soul
to the body.
Bodies can function as long as the silver cord 
maintains its connection,
even if there is total evacuation of the 
I help integrate these lost soul parts using the 
reality of soul parts, and
their reality is that they are the age they think 
they still are, with the
emotion they are feeling, and located in whatever 
they see they are located
in. A mental/intellectual approach will only 
recover mental attention units,
but a poetic/creative approach can integrate the 
energy better so that it
naturally attracts the rest of itself without 
having to get mental and
logical which can create blocks and 
Diagnosis of fragmentation is fairly 
straightforward. Nearly everyone who
has suffered trauma has some form and degree of 
this condition. No one
symptom is evidence, though a combination of 
symptoms may be indicative. The
language of the client will describe the 
condition of fragmentation.
A person may describe the experience of feeling 
dissociated, ungrounded,
disconnected, or feeling like they are not in 
their body. Their eyes may
appear expressionless. Their senses may seem 
suppressed; a person may sleep
a lot and feel apathetic toward life. They may 
feel like they are "not all
there," "not at home," as if something is 
"missing." There is a feeling of
emptiness, of having no heart, of having an empty 
tube or a big hole inside.
Often when I am doing Past Life / Other Life work 
with clients we hit upon
Soul Loss or when the client is in an altered 
state of consciousness
(hypnosis) and scans their body they may discover 
dark or shadowy spots,
voids, holes, and empty places. These are the 
spaces left by the
fragmentation. If this occurs and it`s 
appropriate, I direct the client to
look for the threads that lead out from the 
spaces. When these threads are
found some will appear darker, some lighter. In 
all cases of fragmentation
and separation the silver thread connection 
remains, and it is this link
that makes the recovery process possible.
Total evacuation of the fragments can result in 
coma. It also opens the way
to total possession by an intrusive spirit.
The fragments continue to be connected to each 
other by the silver threads,
even after the being leaves the physical body in 
death, when the silver cord
is detached. A fragment can become partially 
dislodged and still remain
connected to the body.
A fragment can separate and follow the person 
like a balloon on a string. It
can remain in some distant location or structure,
iit can also attach to another living person. A 
fragment of the mind of a
living person can be attached to one or more 
other living persons. The
condition of fragmentation is not healed by death 
of the fragmented person.
The newly deceased spirit, the discarnate entity, 
is also fragmented. This
fragmented entity can then attach to still 
another living person. Thus a
discarnate entity can be attached to two or more 
living individuals.
Another aspect of this situation provides an 
interesting twist to the
classic condition of spirit possession in which a 
living person is
considered to be influenced by the spirit of a 
deceased person. If the
living mind fragment remains connected to the 
spirit of the newly deceased
person, then a deceased spirit is being possessed 
by the mind of a living
(Recovery of the Fragments)
The trauma, which led to the fragmentation, is 
processed by the mental,
emotional and physical bodies (the subtle bodies) 
as is the case for any
traumatic event. However, the traumatic incident 
which originally caused
fragmentation might be located in another space, 
time or lifetime. Also the
fragment can literally be floating free or 
clinging to a location or
structure on earth in the present time, even 
though the event occurred in
another era. A child can also be born with the 
condition of fragmentation.
Black Magic, spells, hexes and curses can cause a 
fragmentation of the
operator, witch or sorcerer. Their fragment can 
remain with the victim of
the magic spell or curse, even though the 
practitioner may be deceased.
There is always dark energy involved in this sort 
of intrusive activity. The
demonic entities must be released appropriately 
and the fragment sent to the
Light or if the practitioner is still living, 
after a releasement of the
attached dark entities is completed, the fragment 
is sent back to the
person. As with all Soul retrievals, when the 
conflict resolution is
complete through healing, the fragment is invited 
back into the present
moment. It is welcomed into the body wherever it 
belongs, sometimes into the
empty hole inside, often into the heart or one of 
the Chakras. The client
will report a feeling of warmth, peace, and a  
pleasant new sense of
A lost soul part believes it is the person, so 
during the healing and
integration one must ask it only questions that 
would invite integration,
rather than questions that would consider 
separation. Soul parts must be
handled by very gentle invitation and 
negotiation. A question I always ask
is "How would your life have to change for you to 
be present and honour the
qualities of this part of yourself?" If a person 
lost a major part of
himself at the age of 2 years, and wanted to 
continue to look at life in the
same old way, and not change any practices, that 
part won't return.
Children look at things very differently and they 
can be very
It is also necessary to run a traumatic incident 
from multiple perspectives
in order to get a full healing of the situation 
and balance. When a soul
part is reluctant to integrate it may be 
necessary to negotiate with it or
perhaps all you need to do is ask the very gentle 
question "At that time,
did part of you leave?" followed by a very 
helpful invitation to
Ideally you would weave an artistic balance 
between the pictures where truth
concerning incidents is clarified, going on to 
experiencing the feelings,
and then inviting `Presence` with the client. It 
matters little whether the
incident run is present life, past life, or 
imaginary. What is important is
what is experienced parallels a solidity in the 
body's electrical field to
the degree that the field is simultaneously 
healed. That alone allows other
people to see you as you are, and your soul to 
resonate with your body and
shine through, and the body's energy field to act 
as a resonating device to
focus you purely into this reality.
When the soul part returns, the memories return 
with it. There can be quite
some emotional pain during the healing and to a 
lesser extent in the
integration period afterwards, as some definite 
ability to feel returns with
each soul part.
Things the client couldn't feel before have now 
come to the surface.
The main factors determining the speed of result 
in clearing are clarity and
sincerity of the therapist, and the presence and 
attention of the client.
You don't engage in soul retrieval as a favourite 
pursuit or for the fun of
it, scoring how many parts you can find.
Commonly you want only to work with a couple of 
major parts that are
disconnected and lost from one another. This may 
take several sessions
though! Some other time in your life when what 
was already found has been
well integrated, perhaps months later, you might 
need one more session to
find another soul part to help with the complete 
process. Of course if other
traumatic occurrences happen in the future then 
these too can be handled in
this way. Soul retrieval as discussed here does 
not usually even concern a
very high level of consciousness. It concerns 
your capacity to feel and
create as a human being; only applying to those 
levels of consciousness,
which respond to your present life. Beyond soul 
retrieval is the sacred and
secret subject of Essence Retrieval, which is a 
special subject of its own
and not discussed here.
The most important basic in spiritual development 
is wholeness at "lower" or
human levels. Without that wholeness, there is a 
constant void and emptiness
waiting to be filled by something, so no 
spiritual work or input at "higher"
levels will shine through properly. There is so 
much more warmth in the face
and sparkle in the eyes of a person who has most 
of their soul present.
A whole person can be thought of as a hologram in 
the sense that each part
contains the whole. Each cell, both physical and 
spiritual contains the
codes that produce the whole.
Once you finally, get used to living in the 
present with your feelings of
child and adult, it's very nice being alive - 
being whole!!
The term holistic stems from the word wholeness, 
meaning completeness,
totality of body, mind and spirit.
Then you can operate in the `Present Time`. The 
`Present Time` is hardly
seen, and it is right Now!
(To summarise) ~ Soul Retrieval at Elevated 
Therapy involves two main
a) Reworking the patterns to heal the energy 
field of the body.
b) Inviting soul or essence of the person that 
left to avoid trauma to
return and participate in life, the integration 
having been honoured and
invoked by the clearing and reworking steps.
(Presuppositions of Soul Retrieval)
1) When part of you avoids life or leaves, a void 
is created that will
constantly attract something to fill it.
2) It is never too late to have a happy 
3) When you are whole, you feel complete.