Magickal Teas
Tea for Divination
1 tbsp China black, or English or Irish breakfast tea
2 tsp lemon balm
1 tsp eyebright
1 tbsp mugwort
1 tbsp rose hips
Tea for Psychic Healing
1 tbsp China black
1 tsp elder flower
1 tsp nettle
2 tsp burdock root
2 tsp mullein
2 tsp rose hips
Tea for Meditation (Moura)
1 tbsp China black or English breakfast tea
2 tsp chamomile
1 tsp rose hips
2 tsp elder flower
This one isn't really meant to be a tea but might be of
Clairvoyance Brew (Cunningham)
3 parts Rose petals
1 part Cinnamon
1 part Nutmeg
1 part Bay
1 part Mugwort
Place in teapot, fill with boiling water, let steep,covered, for a
few minutes. Remove cover, sniff steam (not so that you burn
your nose) for a few moments, visualize the mystic scent opening
your psychic awareness, then lie down and prophesize. If you wish,
drink a bit of the brew as well, and let the steam continue to rise
as you stretch your psychic awareness.
Dream Tea (Cunningham)
2 parts Rose petals
1 part Mugwort
1 part Peppermint
1 part Jasmine flowers
1/2 part Cinnamon
Mix, add one teaspoon to a cup. Pour boiling water over this and let
steep, covered, for a few minutes. Drink before going to bed to
produce psychic dreams.
Psychic Tea (Cunningham)
3 parts Rose petals
2 parts Yarrow
1 part Cinnamon
Brew, strain and drink a cup before or during divination and psychic
work to enhance your psychic awareness.
Clairvoyance Brew
3 parts Rose petals
1 part Cinnamon
1 part Nutmeg
1 part Bay
1 part Mugwort
Place in the teapot, fill with boiling water , let steep,
covered, for a few minutes. Remove cover , sniff steam ( not so that
you burn your nose) for a few moments. Visualize the mystic scent
opening your psychic awareness. Then lie down and prophesize, If you
wish, drink bit of the brew as well , and let the steam continue to
rise as you stretch your psychic awareness.
Super Psonic Psychic Tonic
1oz. Borage
1/2 oz. Lemongrass
1/2 oz. Spearmnt
2 Entire Oranges
1 Entire Lemon
3 cups Ginger Ale
2 cups White Grape Juice
Add herbs to 5 cups of water, bring to a slow boil simmering for about
15 to 20 minutes with a TIGHT lid. While cooling, juice oranges and
lemon, peel, seeds and pulp and add to herbal infusion. When cool, add
the grape juice. Strain the entire mixture thru double cheesecloth
(three times works for us!). Hand-squeeze the pulp/herbal mixture to
insure getting every last drop. Add the ginger ale and chill for a few
hours. *[No claims or guarantees are made by us regarding the benefit
or properties of this recipe, medicinal or otherwise. The use of herbs
can be dangerous to the uninformed. Proper research is suggested].