~*~*Ceromancy or How To Tell Fortunes With

To know the future by a candle's flame is covered 
quite adequately in this
little poem from an unknown poet:

Touch a light to the little wick,
Watch it burn to the candlestick.
Study with care the little blaze;
Fortunes are told in its tiny rays.

If an unseen power makes it weak and low,
For you it foretells a tale of woe.
If that same power makes a blaze bright and 
You'll be happy and wise, be good and wealthy.

For those who wish to pursue ceromancy, which is 
divination from forms
produced by dropping melted wax in water, it is 
simple enough for anyone to
try. Use any colour candle,though the darker hues 
will show up best. It
takes only a bit of imagination on the part of 
the magician to "see" the
images which emerge from a bit of hot wax allowed 
to drop into a bowl of
cold water.

AEROPLANE - A trip of a disappointment
ANCHOR - Your loved one is true

BABY - Troubles are coming
BALL or BALLOON - Your problem will not last very 
BEANS - Money difficulties
BED - A vacation would be good for you
BELLS - A wedding
BIRD - News will reach you soon
BRIDGE - Take a chance
BROOM - Make a change

CANDLE - Spiritual growth
CAT - A friend is untrue
CHAIN - Go ahead with your plans
CIRCLE - Reconciliation
CLOUD - Something or someone threatens you
CROSS - Do not fear for you are protected
CROWN - Sickness
CUP - Bitter quarrel with a friend

DOG - Your self-esteem is too low

EAR - Be alert for an opportunity to advance in 
your work
EGG - New developments soon

FAN - A surprise is in store for you
FEATHER - The problem will be solved
FISH - Someone will betray you

GHOST - Someone from the past is looking for you
GRASS - Good fortune is approaching

HAT - A change of location is indicated
HEART - A friendship will turn into love
HOUSE - Better times are coming

KEY - A setback in plans should be expected
KITE - Your wish will come to naught

LADDER - Take steps to change your attitude 
toward an old friend
LEAF or LEAVES - Things will be changing soon
LION - An unpleasant situation is developing

MOON - Indicates more money
MOUNTAIN - Good friends are willing to help you

PANTS - You will be tempted
PEN - Expect a letter from a relative
PIN - Your lover may be attracted to another
PIPE - Peace and comfort

RING - Marriage may be possible in the near 

SCISSORS - Separation
SHOE - Be suspicious of a new acquaintance
SNAKE - Be on guard against an enemy
SPIDER WEB - Pleasant happenings
STAR - Happiness
SUN - Good fortune

TABLE - An abundance of blessings
TREE - A good time for new undertakings

UMBRELLA - Trouble is coming

WALKING STICK - Get out of the house and visit 
WHEEL - One who has been away will return soon
WITCH - Danger will pass you by
WORM - Business troubles ahead if you are not 