There existed a powerful being called the Allfather, and whatever he willed came to pass. There was a vast cleft called Gunninga-gap, North of the cleft was a space known as Nifl-heim, the home of mist and darkness, in the centre of which bubbled the exhaustless spring Hvergelmir,the seething cauldron, whose waters supplied 12 great streams known as the Elivagar. As the water of these streams flowed swiftly away from its source and encountered the clod blasts from the yawning gulf, it soon hardened into huge blocks of ice, which rolled downward into the depths of the great abyss with a continual roar like thunder. South of this dark chasm, and directly opposite Nifl-heim, was another space called Muspells-heim, the home of elemental fire, where all was warm and bright, and whose frontiers were guarded by Surtr, the flame giant. In brandishing his great fire sword, sparks continually fell upon the ice partly melting them. As the steam rose in clouds it again encountered the prevailoing cold, and was changed into hoarfrost, which eventually filled the great central space. By the constant action of cold and heat and by the will of the Allfather, Ymir (Seething Clay) or the Frost Giant was created. In searching for food he came upon a gigantic cow called Audhumla (The Nourisher), which was created in the same fashion as Ymir. Ymir drank of her milk and was satisfied, but as for the cow she needed food herself so she started to lick the salt off of a nearby ice block with her rough tongue. She continued to lick at the salt until first hair and then the head until Buri (The Producer) emerged from the ice. As the cow was licking, Ymir fell asleep and a son and daughter were born from the perspiration under his armpit, and his feet produced the six headed giant Thrudgelmir, who bore Bergelmir, where all the frost giants decended. When the giants became aware of Buri and his son Borr(Born) they began waging war against them for the Gods represented good and the giants represented evil. Odin, Villi and Ve were born of Borr and Bestla, a giantess. These three joined their father against the giants. They finally slew Ymir. As he sank down lifeless the blood gushed from his wounds in such floods that all his race perished except Bergelmir who had escaped. Out of Ymir's flesh the Gods fashioned Midgard(Middle Garden). The solid portion ofMidgard was surrounded by the giant's blood or sweat forming the oceans. His bones made the hills, his flat teeth made the cliffs, and his curly hair the trees and all vegetation. The Gods then took his skull and placed it in the heavensand his brains were used to make the clouds. To support the heavenly vault, the Gods stationed the strong dwarfs, Nordri, Sudri, Austri and Vestri at it's four corners, bidding them sustain it upon their shoulders. To give light to the world they just created, the Gods studded the heavenly vault with sparks secured from Muspells-heim, the most vivid were reserved for the Sun and Moon which were placed in beautiful golden chariots. It them goes into the rest of the creation of man and Gods alike.