Weight Loss-Tarot Spell Items needed: The MAGICIAN is superimposed over the Significator Card, the card you feel represents you-- to signify the subject's commitment to shape and improve his/her own personal health. These cards are crowned by The World, standing for health, harmony, and wholeness. It is sided by Strength to show the physical side of the well-being, and The Sun, which depicts the emotional well-being that affects and is affected by full health. A full length mirror and have it set up in a well-lit room (sunlit if possible and outside is even better). Have a place where the cards can be laid out nearby. Also you may include: flowers candles - orange, purple, and red can be used for health and white represents pure energy and harmony. This spell can be performed at any time if there is a need -- do it during a Waning Moon to banish unwanted weight. It is best performed in the early morning, especially before an exercise session. It will help you start your morning in a good frame of mind and will put your mind in focus for living healthy all day. Here is a ritual that can be done before the spell to help focus and build energy: Ritual--Arrange some time that you will be alone, about an hour. If you have music available put on something that will be calm and serene and meditative. Take a relaxing bath, imagining strongly that you are cleansing not only your body, but your soul and spirit as well. You will need a clean flat surface to use as an altar and to lay out your cards on, what ever you choose to use. Set out an incense burner, I like sandal wood or patchouli incense for this spell. Set up your candles and other accessories, have your cards ready but not laid out yet. Have a dark blue candle on the left of your altar area for the Goddess and a gold or orange candle for the God. Light the candles and take a few deep breaths. Feel yourself connecting to these energies. Hold this meditative state as long as is necessary for you to connect and say in these or similar words: (You may have four candles to represent the elements by color. Green for earth, Red for fire, Yellow for air, and Blue for water and light each candle as you say) I call now upon the Earth, Far plains and lofty mountains For power and strength to my spell As I light this candle is summoning I call now upon Air ruler of the skies And the far wheel of Eternity For power and strength to my spell As I light this candle is summoning I call now upon Fire That burns in the core of the Earth At one with the energies of Life itself For power and strength to my spell As I light this candle in summoning I call now upon Water Broad lakes, ever-moving streams And the boundless ocean For power and strength to my spell As I light this candle in summoning Pause for the length of five heartbeats, then pick up the Tarot deck and remove the significant cards for the spell and say: Reaching into the far distant past I draw forth these symbols For that which my spell shall be cast Here shall be woven Chance, Fortune and Fate that my deepest wish shall be attained. Set your significator card in place while thinking about your desire to remake yourself healthier and more perfect form. Set The Magician over your Significator card while considering some of the steps you will take to bring about these changes, exercise, nutrition etc. Put The World in its place and consider all the area of your life that will be affected by a holistic well-being with mind and body in harmony. To the left of the World set Strength, while thinking about strength vigor, and stamina that you will attain and maintain. Visualize yourself utilizing the strength you have to the best possible intent. Feel the strength of the God/Goddess within you and know that you can rely on that power! To the right of The World set the Sun in place, while picturing yourself walking in the sunlight, enjoying the glow of total health. Once your cards are all in place, stand in front of the mirror, or sit if it is not full length. Study your body while you spread your arms upward and outward. Visualize yourself as a tree, with limbs reaching up toward the sky and the universe, leaves drawing sustenance from the Sun, roots draw the power of the Sun and the Earth and all living things through your body. You feel this energy being processed to build strength, vitality and wholeness. You feel the power flowing in through your body and out again, making the body stronger and better and very well toned. As you continue to imagine how this power would flow, look again at yourself in the mirror and see yourself not as you are, but as glowing skin, the radiance of health and beauty. After you have sustained the visualization exercise in front of the mirror for a few minutes, carefully and with as much feeling as you can recite the following-- I call upon the strength of the Earth, the vitality of the Sun, and the life force within me!! Power flows through my body. It purges and purifies all that is harmful It fills every cell of my body with radiant health. Strength and beauty shine through me I honor my body I shape my body I nourish my body with good food and good thoughts My mind and body are in harmony and I am whole and healthy! So it is and so mote it be! --------- The Dieting thought-form Ritual Take a blue topaz to a quiet place and sit comfortably. Set the stone aside, then close your eyes and hold your hands closely together, palms facing each other. Feel the warmth of energy flow between your fingers and palms. Visualize the energy as a white light. Move your hands farther apart, forcing the energy stream to broaden. Keep moving your hands and expanding the energy force until you reach a distance of about six inches. Shape the energy into a ball with your fingers, then squeeze and compress it until it is the size of the stone. Hold the compressed energy in one hand and the topaz in the other, then clasp your hands together to combine the two. Say: "Thought form of my energy, In this stone, now live and be" Open your hands and breathe on the stone. Say: "I share with you my Air to breathe." Hold the stone to your forehead, then hold it to your heart. Say: "I give you the Fires of passion and intellect." Rub some saliva into the stone. Say: "I give you the Waters of Life." Rub the stone across your feet. Say: "I give you the strength of foundation." Hold the stone in your dominant hand until it tingles and pulses with energy. Open your hand and chant over the stone: "Stone of topaz, bluest stone, Your life is mine, and mine alone. Work to curb my appetite. Bring good health back into sight. Give me strength to stay away. From foods where fat and sugar play. Bring the will power that I need. As I will, so mote it be!" Wear or carry the stone with you while dieting. ------------ Wish Spell (can be used for weight loss) Supplies: 1 White candle or your birth-color candle Incense: violet, strawberry, pineapple, orange, allspice, aloe or daffodil Light the candle. From that flame, light the incense. Watch the smoke rise and visualize your wish. Be specific while concentrating on your wish. Say the following: "Smoke be the messenger of this rite; Carry high my thoughts and dreams With your tendrils curling so. Whisper my wishes in the wind. Carry my aspirations to the stars, My deep feelings to the moon, The light inside me to the sun, My fears to the distant planets. Let my message fall to the earth After being sent up by fire. Flow through water calm and clear And let the air raise it again To North, East, South, and West Down to the Earth and up to the Sky. Goddess hears my wish. Let this smoke be my messenger As the Fire burns. So mote it be." When you are done, let the incense and candle burn out. --------- Voodoo Doll Weight Loss Spell Items needed: Dark Blue Candle - represents the Goddess Gold Candle - represents the God Red Candle Rose Petals Cotton Balls Red thread/needle Cloth--the color of your skin or close Scissors Calming and soothing incense (rosemary for health and self-love or anything that you prefer) items to tie the doll to you--hair, nail clippings, saliva, skin residue, etc.) clean white linen Bowl of water Bowl of salt Fireproof container to burn part of the herbs in Herbs: Anise--spirit aid in spells Burgamot-- success Rosemary--willpower and happiness/health St. John's Wort--will power Woodruff--change Three nights before the Full Moon Cast a Circle and Invoke the Goddess (other areas of this site will include how to cast a circle and Goddess invocation) Begin to construct the doll. Cut out an outline that is close to your body shape or as you see your body. Begin to sew the doll saying-- (it is better for you to create your own chant as always )-- "(your name) as this I see (your name) you represent to me" Say this over and over as you sew leaving an opening for stuffing the doll with herbs and cotton as well as items connected to you. Place the doll upon your Altar below a Red Candle--for energy and action and passion to your spell (if you see need for another candle feel free to choose.. it is the same with the herbs) Altar should be set with candles lit Elements Represented with Bowl of Salt--Earth Bowl of charged Water--Water Incense--Rosemary or Sandalwood is what I prefer Red candle--Fire God/Goddess candles and anything else you use, including any items that represent health and beauty to you personally.. You will now begin to mix your herbs, they do not have to be powdered but can be ground if you prefer with a mortar and pestle. Charge the herbs as you blend (one tsp. each will be fine, more if needed as you will burn what you do not use in the doll) as you mix say: "Herbs of health and Beauty Fair I stir and mix and blend with care Essence now come into me Lend your power So mote it Be (chant 3, 6, or nine times or until you feel it is sufficiently charged) Place the herbs in the doll in the areas that you feel are more healthy and place cotton balls in areas you would like to change most. Add as well the items to tie the doll to you. As you do this chant: "Though separate you are We are linked as One As (your name) Your life has begun." Consecrate the doll when you are finished stuffing it saying: With Earth I consecrate this doll as (your name).. Sprinkle a bit of salt on the doll With Air I consecrate this doll as (your name) pass doll through the incense With Fire I consecrate this doll as (your name) pass the doll over the candle, be careful not to catch it on fire! With Water I consecrate this doll as (your name) sprinkle a bit of the charged water on the doll Attune to the doll. Feel and Know it is You! Let the doll sit on the altar undisturbed and if you can't leave your altar up wrap it in clean white linen and keep in a safe place until you are ready to continue. On the next night (now waning moon and time for banishing the fat) Altar set as before. Begin to remove the cotton from the doll placing it in the fireproof dish and concentrating on its burning, say: "Fat Unwanted, Fat unneeded Fat now gone and fat unheeded Burn up quickly in the Flame Leave behind no access weight or bane Fat now banished from my site Fat sheds off both day and night Leaving only health behind Tied with beauty in herbs that bind. Fat is banished away from me And as my will So mote it be!!" Once you have removed and burned 1/3 of the cotton pinch out the candles and leave the doll on the altar or wrap in clean white linen once again. Do this for three nights in a row until all cotton is removed. (I feel it is best to leave the altar standing the three days running and keep the doll there upon it when you are not working but make sure nothing is disturbed). On the third night after burning the last of the fat, burn the left over herb mixture as you sew up the rest of the doll closing the opening with the red thread. Now, wrap the doll in clean white linen and keep in a special place where it will not be disturbed. This spell can be repeated at each full moon going into waning. ------------- Weight Loss Spell Items needed: 1 tbsp. each: juniper berries damiana dandelion leaves red clover tops skull cap wintergreen add 20 drops peppermint oil and strawberry oil (essential oils) Bind together with Myrhh--one tsp. and Gum mastic--1 tsp. Mix all together catalyzing the intentions Say: "This spell helps me achieve the weight I desire Good health and thoughts are higher. For the good of myself and those around me As my will, so mote it be!!" Make a green or copper mojo bag to draw the energy of Venus and self love and carry with