Basic Spell Construction Because of the very nature of Magick, each working should be highly individualized and personal. Even if following a traditional spell, it should be tailored to your specific needs to be most effective for you. Understanding the basics of Spell Construction will enable you to formulate your own specific, effective spells for any purpose you desire. Preliminary planning is necessary. The very first step is to decide precisely what your desired end result is to be. Before you can start, you must decide where you are going. You must be very explicit. It is important, also, that you choose your time carefully. You should take into consideration all Astrological implications, energy currents and Moon phases. The Moon is the astronomical body closest to us and, therefore, has a profound influence upon us, it is very important to choose a time when the Moon is in an astrological sign which is appropriate for your working. For example: Aries/Action - Enthusiasm, Taurus/ Renewal - Sensuality, Gemini/Communication - Curiosity, Cancer/ Emotion - Nurturing, Leo/Vitality - Determined, Virgo/Organizing - Studious, Libra/Balance - Cooperation, Scorpio/Sexual - Philosophical, Capricorn/Authority - Ambitious, Aquarius/Innovation - Social, Pisces/Sensitivity - Idealistic. Bear in mind that magickal workings for gain, increase or bringing things to you, should be initiated when the Moon is Waxing (from Dark to Full); when the Moon is Waning (from Full to Dark), it is time for magickal workings of decrease or sending away. The highest energy occurs at the Full Moon and, therefore, this is the most powerful time for magickal workings. The New Moon is the next most powerful time for Magick. Whenever possible, follow Nature's natural Energy Currents. There is a natural time for starting things (a planting time), for maturing things (a growing time), for reaping things ( a harvest time) and, of course, a time for rest and planning. Flowing with these currents will make your magickal work much easier. Remember to plan your project for a time of uninterrupted privacy. It is important that you have no distractions. Generally speaking, it is best to work as late at night as possible. A time when there is less frantic energy is most appropriate. You might consider Midnight or later. In choosing a place to do your magickal working pay particular attention to your needs, for you must be comfortable. Your place should be private, quiet and secure. If at all possible, set aside Ša special place for this purpose only. An unused room, a special corner of your bedroom, a quiet, secluded spot in your garden. A place that is yours. A place that you can come to whenever need arises and that is as free from intrusion of others as possible. Prior to the night of your magickal working, gather together the things that you will need. All of the things used are tools. They have no inherent magick. They are to help you create a mood. If correctly made and used, they will trigger primitive responses from deep within you. They should be chosen with care. Consider the purpose of your ritual and choose your tools accordingly. If your magick is to be sexual, your candles, oils, incenses and so forth, should bring forth a sexual response. If the desired result of your Magick is Tranquillity, then the tools should make you feel calm, peaceful and serene. Any candles you might use should not have commercially added fragrances as these may not be appropriate for your working. Prior to your ritual, prepare yourself and your equipment by any means necessary to clean and purify. Historically, people have fasted, followed meticulous and detailed bathing practices, practiced chastity and used many other methods. Most often a Ritual Bath is the preferred method. A bath frequently utilizing candlelight, fragrant herbs, bath salts or sensuous oils. A sumptuous hot bath, special bathing preparations and appropriate lighting, combined, can create the soothing effect which will help in the very important step of relaxing and clearing the mind completely of all mundane thoughts and experiences of the day. Your ritual Bath should, also, begin to set the specific vibrations conducive to your purpose into motion. You must not only cleanse and purify but must, also, begin to create the type of energy necessary. Once your purification process has been accomplished, you are now ready to begin. Proceed to the special place you have previously chosen in which to perform your magick. If at all possible, you should make use of the primitive responses set into motion by a well chosen piece of music. Your music should start slowly and build to a rousing climax. As you use your oils, light your candle or incense (or utilize any other tool you have chosen), you should begin to further intensify the energy that you have set into motion around you. A high degree of intensity is vitally important. The Altered State of Consciousness that you must reach is not a meditative state. Anything that interferes with your ability to concentrate upon, reach and control the high energy state necessary to perform magick should be avoided. Such as screaming children, a sink full of dirty dishes, use of alcohol or drugs, etc. Do not scatter your energy by attempting to do more than one Magickal working at a time. Remember that Magick is the manipulation of energy, a thought is a form of energy and a visualization is an even stronger form of energy. Your visualization can be a method used to intensify further and direct your will. Your visualization can be the method by which you control the magickal energy you have produced. You must know what you want. You must see it. You must feel the high energy flow. You must direct it. One of the most important elements in the practice of any form of Magick is the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. This means that whatever you do (or don't do) you cause something to happen. The most important consideration is the Universal Law of Retribution. This means that no matter what you do, it comes back to you in like kind. It is the nature of things that as you send something out it gains momentum, so that, by the time it comes back to you, it is three times stronger. If you do something nice for someone, someone will do something nicer for you. "As you weave and spin your spell, Three fold return the tale will tell." Hence the Wiccan Rede: "An it harm none, do what thou wilt." But of course, the actual amount of the multiplier of the return is arrived at by tradition. The "three-fold" amount is the usual number, although some set it as high as nine-fold, whilst others maintain that it varies (similar to income tax percentages, Hee Hee). Such is the nature of the Craft... extremely flexible. It is what one makes of it. A final note: if you'll notice, the above procedure is/was intended for solitary works of Magick. While all the same rules and principles apply to Group Workings of Magick, there are a few differences. For instance, the amount of power (energy) which can be generated by a group varies with the number of people involved. This is NOT a linear function, rather, a square of the number of people. However, this assumes that all of the personnel gathered are there acting harmoniously, in concert. Simply having a large group of people does not assure the ability to raise a large amount of power. Generally, a small, closely knit group is the most effective. This is why the older covens usually set a limit on the number of members (traditionally 13). --Author Unknown, found on Mysteria BBS, 1990.
1. Clearly understand and define your magickal goal. Write it down or state it out loud to help form it solidly in your mind. By doing this you begin to invest the spell and the desired outcome with your emotions and energy. If you have more than one need, you may wish to spread them out. You can work more than one spell at a session, but doing so will dissipate and scatter your energies, leaving less for each spell. If you feel you must do multiple spells, limit them to three and try to relate them in some way, so that the energy you raise remains as focused as possible. 2. Be sure of the ethics of your hoped-for outcome. Approach the spell from all angles to satisfy yourself that you are not violating anyone else's free will or being manipulative. Many witches like to do a divination first, to be doubly sure that their spell will not have any unforeseen ramifications. If the results of the divination are negative, try rethinking your intent to see if you can circumvent the problem. Then do another divination and see what comes up. 3. If you wish to use a specific element as a focus for your magick, decide which one is most appropriate and collect items to represent that energy. 4. Plan how you will visualize your goal and believe in what you see. The powers of the mind are only just now beginning to be explored by science. We have all heard stories of terminal patients who have healed themselves, and of faith healers who use belief to manifest miracle cures. Visualization uses that power to form mental pictures that are invested with personal energy and emotion. It is the soul that breathes life onto all magick, and the soul that is the most important element in its outcome. The moment you start visualizing the resolution of a magickal need is the moment you begin to create the changes in your deep mind necessary for the magick to manifest. 5. If you are working with advanced magic, you will need to prepare a long-range plan in accordance with the above guidelines. This will entail checking moon phases, laying in enough supplies for the duration of the spell, and planning how the energy can be sustained through each day. 6. Gather candles, stones, or whatever else you intend to use as a catalyst for your focus or to direct the energy you will raise. Empower those items with your personal energy by projecting into them the energy of your goal.Keep in mind that these tools, including your cherished ritual tools, have no power in and of themselves. The power is not in the tools, but inside the Witch trained to use them. Without you, they are useless. They merely provide a way to focus your energy and a means for directing it towards its goal. 7. Decide upon your words of power, the words or chants you will use to help focus and raise energy. You may write them out, or simply remember key phrases you wish to use as you improvise. Some Witches like to create simple poems so they will be easier to remember. 8. If you wish to use a special deity or mythic figure in your magick, decide on which one or ones, and how you will evoke, invoke, and/or honor them. You may wish to write out special prayers or blessings and memorize them. 9. Decide when you want to do the spell. This can be any time you personally need the magick, at the time when you coven regularly meets, or you may wish to take into consideration moon phases and/or other astrological influences. If your life is as busy as most people's today, you may have to choose the only night when you will be free and alone. The timing is much less important than the energy you bring to the spell. 10. At the appropriate time, gather what you will be using and go to the place where you will perform the spell. This can be at your altar, indoors, or outdoors, at your coven meeting site, or anywhere else that feels appropriate, comfortable, and private. 11. Cast your circle and, if you like, call the quarters, or do as you would when opening up any other ritual. If you are using advanced magickal techniques you will definitely need to employ these visualizations to be effective. 12. Your magick is now beginning in earnest. Invite whatever elementals, faeries, spirits, or deities you wish to have present as you work. They should always be welcome, but they are not necessary for spellwork. 13. Clear your mind and begin visualizing your goal. This is probably the most important step in the spell-casting process and you should invest the mental image with as much energy as you can muster. Recall your need and make your emotional connection with it as deep as you can, on as many levels as possible. 14. Raise energy within yourself and pour it into the magickal object(s) in whatever way feels right to you. This can be done as a mental projection, through dance or song, or intense visualization. 15. Do whatever physical actions your spell requires. Some need no special actions, but many require some basic movement, even if it is only lighting a candle. Use your words of power, light your candles, bury your herbs, mentally charge your stones, and/or raise your cone of power. 16. Take advantage of natural phenomena that can help you raise energy. A storm, for instance, is an excellent source of energy that any Witch can draw upon to help feed a spell. Allow yourself to become part of the storm and feel yourself physically drawing on its vast stores of energy as you seek to raise your own energies or cone of power. 17. When you feel you have put as much energy into the spell as you possibly can, send the energy out to do your will. You can visualize this as a cone of power being sent out, or use any other mental image you like. Body language helps, too. Relax, throw up your arms, raise a tool, kneel, send out a cone of power, or do whatever else makes you feel the energy go forth. Be sure to direct it out from you visually as well. 18. You should finish your spell with words such as the traditional So Mote It Be. Mote is an obsolete word for must. The phrase is synonymous with Amen, So It Is, and It Is Done. It is a statement of completion and an affirmation that you know your magick is successful. All magick is worked from the point of view that the desired goal is already manifest - it will not come to be, but IT IS. Always phrase your magickal desires in the present tense; for example, I have love in my life now, or My bills are now paid in full. Talking of magick happening in the future will keep it forever in the future, always just out of reach. 19. Meditate briefly on your goal. Again, visualize it as already manifest. Smile, breathe a sigh of relief, and know the magick is already at work for you. 20. Thank and dismiss all faeries, spirits, and deities who have come to witness or aid in your magick. 21. Ground your excess energy into the earth and open your circle. Excess energy, raised during your spell work but not full sent away from you when you sent it to do its job, lingers on and around you. The best way to ground this excess is to place your hands, palms side down on the earth, into a bowl of soil, or on the floor of your home. Physically and psychically feel the excess energy draining out of you. Know that it is being absorbed and dispersed into mother earth. 22. If you have ritualized your spell, dismiss your quarters or do whatever other endings your rituals traditionally require. If you are working your magick with a coven this is standard practice. 23. Record your spell in your Magickal Diary or Book Of Shadows with the date, time, weather conditions, and any astrological data you wish to include. This will be useful later when you have done enough spells to look for patterns. For example, you may see that your most efficacious spells were done on Sundays or when it was cloudy or snowing, or when you had faeries present, worked with a particular deity, burned green candles, or when the moon was full. Everyone has different affinities, These patterns will help you pick the best times for your spellwork. 24. Back up your desire on the physical plane. This is a must. For example, if you have done a spell for healing don't avoid seeing your doctor. You will need all the help at your disposal to overcome your illness, and magick and medical science make great partners.Until you achieve your magickal goal you should spend some time each day focusing on it by clearly visualizing it as a fait accompli. These added boosts of daily energy can often mean the difference between success and failure. Lady of the Night Edain McCoy