The smoke from herbal incenses of all kinds has been used since ancient times to cleanse people and places, and as offerings to deities, spirits, and non-physical forces. The term "Smudging" has come into common usage within Contemporary Shamanism; and approaches influenced by this; largely through its Native American derivations. Native American cultures, beliefs and spiritual practises hold much appeal- they are strongly earth orientated and respecting, and express an underlying philosophy which is very much earth related. Hence the use of various herbal incenses has become commonly known as "Smudging". However, herbal incenses have been used in sacred ways by all peoples all around the world for millennia, and so this is an ancient and widespread traditional practise. For example Neolithic, Celtic, Scythian, Norse, Anglo-Saxon and other Germanic peoples are known to have used herbal mixtures which they would throw onto a fire or onto hot rocks within a Sweat Lodge so that they could bathe and purify themselves in the resultant fragrant smoke. ‘Smudge’ is generally used in two ways: Either as a bundle of dried herbs held together with twine which is ignited at the end, blown out and allowed to smoulder, or else as loose dried and semi-powdered herbs and other materials which are burnt on charcoal blocks in a dish of earth or sand. Native peoples sometimes take coals from a wood fire, put that into a dish and sprinkle ‘Smudge’ onto those so that it smoulders and smokes. ‘Smudge’ sticks are also sometimes known as ‘Smudge Wands’. I find that though bundles and wands are good, there is a danger of small, smouldering bits falling off onto people, furniture or carpets- most distracting. Whichever way you smudge, do be careful. To Smudge is to purify and cleanse yourself, and to make contact with the spirits- however you conceive them to be. From this we can see that Smudging is a powerful but simple way to use ceremony of connection and grounding in ones life. Smudging is also prayer- many native peoples consider that the smoke of the smouldering smudge mix is taken by the spirits in good ways, and if you make such offerings then the spirits will know you and want to help you in your life. There is a principle that one should only ask for ‘Help & healing’ through ceremony of this kind, and so if you need help with problems, need guidance or direction, or ask for healing for yourself or others, then it is fine to ask the spirits for their help in these ways. Many Smudge mixtures just use herbs that are sacred to Native Americans such as Plains Sage, Cedar, Sweet Grass, or even Lavender now. These can be bought commercially, or grown and dried for yourself. Most suppliers of Native American crafts sell Smudge mixtures, and they are easily obtainable. If you as I seek to set such wisdom within the spirit of my own land, you can also use other herbs such as Rosemary, Mugwort and true Sage as they have strong healing and purifying associations, or you can research herbs to use that have been traditionally used in this way in Britain so as to connect with this in good ways. Smudging is simple: You need:- Smudge mix.. Charcoal discs to burn it on. Means to ignite the charcoal disc- a lighter is best for this as sometimes they can be long-winded to ignite. A dish with sand in on which to place the smouldering charcoal, or to rest your Smudge stick/wand in. Good spirit/intentions. Having gathered all of these things, you simply need to make yourself comfortable, light the charcoal disc and ‘Smudge’. A good way to approach this is to start by offering the smoke to each of the four compass directions in turn, and then to the heavens above, and the earth below. Then follow this by wafting the smoke over yourself so as to purify yourself and your body. You can also waft the smoke around the room you are in so as to purify that as well. In what order you do this is really a matter of personal predilection- some people smudge the place, then the people, and then make directional offerings, and some prefer to smudge to the directions first. Perhaps if you are new to smudging you might like to try different ways and see what feels right for you. Many people use a special Fan or feather for moving Smudge smoke around as it helps to be able to direct it by fanning. How you feel is best is best in this, but you will find that a fan or feather does work better than using your hand alone. Smudge smoke is cleansing, purifying and healing. Many people consider that on its own it is sufficient for minor healing and balancing needs, and I must say that if I am unsettled or indecisive about something, or if my mind is troubled by problems, then a simple smudging ceremony such as I have outlined is often sufficient on its own to bring me peace of mind and calm. I have heard of people smudging troublesome machinery and suchlike, and indeed once used smudge on someone’s recommendation with a sporadically faulty photocopier- and it worked fine after that! I feel that the simple ritual itself, its quietness and connectedness helps me, but the fragrant smoke magnifies and focuses that, as well as bringing in spiritual power to help even more. For healing also, and for people whom are bereaved, troubled by family, relationships, and similar problems a simple smudging ceremony often brings balance and calm. Many Shamans use smudging as an integral part of more lengthy and complex healing rituals, and indeed it is used in this way by native cultures all around the world. Smudging can also be used to cleanse and purify special items such as Crystals, Shamanic tools such as Rattles, Drums, Wands, etc, and other esoteric and magickal items. If you are involved in healing, then you can simply but powerfully cleanse yourself, your tools and your room that you use for such work. It’s good to do this before seeing a client, and of course afterwards to shift any negativity or negative energy that may have been left behind. For this you would simply waft the smoke around the room, over yourself or other people, and pass items such as your Rattle through the smoke. For me, the essential principle of all Shamanic techniques, rituals and ceremonies is simplicity. I therefore like to keep Smudging as simple as possible. I like to use special items within a simple ceremony; such as a Fan with a beaded handle, a carved wooden bowl to burn smudge in, and a special cloth on which to lay out the items I use; but complicated rhetoric in foreign languages holds no power for me at all- along with the inspiration that many people draw from Native American wisdom comes a feeling that words are more powerful if spoken within ceremonies in for example Lakota (Sioux), or even Gaelic for those with Keltic inclinations. Well, for the Lakota, that language is their everyday one, and for me English is my everyday speech. The expression "All my relatives" is as valid if spoken in English as it is if spoken in Lakota, and it certainly actually feels more so if spoken in the language of my own native people. Each of course must make up their own minds in such as this, and indeed if you use such ceremonies as a part of your life, you will undoubtedly find that guidance for what do to and how to do it will proceed from that. Incidentally, "Sage" as used by Native Americans is a member of the Artemisia family, and not Sage as we know it in Britain- Salvia family. American "Sage" is a relative of Mugwort, Southernwood, and Wormwood, which are ingredients in Native British herbal 'smudge' mixes as used from at least the Middle Ages. So any of those would make excellent indigenous alternatives to use in smudge mix.