Most Wiccans do their magickal workings according to the phases of the moon. Of course they may be a time when a magickal working needs to be done in case of an emergency. The phasses of the moon are:
New Moon Magick Timing: The moon rises at dawn and sets at sunset. For the best use of this energy, magick should be performed between dawn and sunset. This is not to say that you cannot work at night. However, to get the most punch for your magick, choose the correct timing. Also check the planetary hours to give added power to the working. Conjuring: New Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to 3 1/2 days after. Naturally, the closer you are to the new moon, the better your chances of success. Your work should manifest by the full moon or the next new moon. If it does not, repeat the working. Things to work for include: Beauty, Health, Self-Improvement, Farms and Gardens, Job Hunting, Love and Romance, Networking. Meditations: Work on bringing abundance into your life. Picture the harmony you desire, the current needs you have. Make a mind movie about how you want both short-and long-term goals to manifest. Concentrate also on parts of yoursel (body, mind, or spirit) that need regeneration. =========================================== Crescent Moon Magick Timing: The moon rises at mid-morning and sets after sunset. The crescent's greatest strength would be at the midpoint. Check an almanac for exact timing. Conjuring: This phase lasts from 3 1/2 days after the new moon through the seventh day. You can do some minor magicks each day to enhance your goals and projects. Things to work for include: Animals, Business, Change, Emotions, Matriarchal Strength. Meditations: Continue to work on your mind movie for the manifestation of goals and projects. =============================================================== First Quarter (Waxing Moon) Magick Timing: The moon rises at noon and sets at midnight. Sunset is the primetime for waxing moon magick. Dusk is auspicious for fairies and their energy. Altars devotions and offerings for the fairy folk in return for a favor work especially well during this moon phase. Conjuring: Moon is from 7 to 10 1/2 days after the new moon. Check the planetary hours for spellworking or additional ritual performance. Do rituals for: Courage,Elemental Magick, Friends, Luck, Motivation. Meditations: Meditate upon Gods and Goddesses of strength and success in pathworking exercises. Continue to use the mind movie. Instinct and intuition are valuable assets during this time. Program your mind both in and out of meditation to take advantage of these gifts. ===================================================================== Gibbous Moon Magick Timing: The moon rises at mid-afternoon and sets about 3:00 a.m. This is a wonderful time for workings around 10 or 11 p.m. Conjuring: The moon is 10 1/2 to 14 days after the new moon. Work for: Patience Meditations: Continue your mind movie to bring small or large goals closer to you.Mentally prepare yourself for the full moon energy yet to come. ============================================= Full Moon Magick Timing: The moon rises at sunset and sets at dawn, therefore a midnight working (or when the moon is directly overhead) is best. Conjuring: The moon is from 14 to 17 1/2 days after the new moon. Work for: Artistic Endeavors, Beauty, Health and Fitness, Change and Decisions, Children, Competition, Dreams, Families, Healing, Knowledge, Legal Undertakings, Love and Romance, Money, Motivation, Protection, Psychic Powers, Self-Improvement. Meditations: Meditations involving prophecy and power in occult skills should be done now. Dream work is at its height. Keep a notebook by your bed to record those important messages. ======================================================== Disseminating Moon Magick Timing: The moon rises at mid-evening and sets at mid-morning. The time of souls (3 a.m.) would be the midpoint here. Check planetary correspondences if you aren't inclined to wakefulness in the wee hours of the morning. Conjuring: The moon is 3 1/2 to 7 days after the full moon. Workings should be focused upon: Addiction, Decisions, Divorce, Emotions, Stress, Protection. Meditations: Meditations involve removal of outmoded thoughts, bad habits, or anything that bothers you. Continue to work on thoughts of abundance and joy in your life. Keep working on that mind movie for short- and long-term goals. ============================================== Last Quarter (Waning Moon) Magick Timing: The moon rises at midnight and sets at noon. Conjuring: The moon is 7 to 10 1/2 days after the full moon. Work involves: Addictions, Divorce, Health and Healing (banishing disease), Stress, Protection Meditations: Practice meditations to disentangle yourself from sticky situations, bad interpersonal affairs, healing (with regard to banishing illness), and removing bad habits. Again, keep working on the mind movie for short- and long-term goals. Reaffirm the positive things in your life. ============================================ Dark Moon Magick Timing: The moon rises at 3:00 a.m. and sets at mid-afternoon. Despite the oddity, around 10:00 a.m. is the strongest pull of the dark moon. Conjuring: Moon is 10 1/2 to 14 days after the full moon. Workings involve: Addictions, Change, Divorce, Enemies, Justice, Obstacles. Quarrels, Removal, Separation, Stopping Stalkers and Theft. Meditations: Reach within yourself to pull out unwanted thoughts or desires. Examine them and dismiss them. Continue the mind movie for positive workings in your life. ===================================== Lunar Eclipses There are two types of lunar eclipse: 1. Partial Eclipse 2. Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon You will need a Planetary Guide to check dates and times during the year when these two occur. Choose long term goals you wish to work on well ahead of these events. Eclipses represent the perfect union of sun and moon, therefore practically any type of magick is acceptable. ================================================== Moon Void The rule of thumb is to avoid doing anything important while the moon is void of course. If what you have done during this period works, consider yourself lucky. Before the moon enters a new sign (Leo, Virgo, Cancer, etc.), there is a sort of dead space. The best way to explain this is through Wiccan terms. The moon is between the worlds, in a time that is not a time, in a space that is not a space--it is in a celestial void where neither positive or negative energies behave as they normally do. To make this circumstance more irritating, it never lasts the same length of time. For example it could last only ten minutes, or as much as a day and a half. It isn't a phenomenon you can set your watch by, so you need to check either a planetary datebook or pocket astrologer. The effects of the void moon vary. Some people manifest scattered energy, or that "I don't feel like myself today" position. Decisions have a habit of bordering on the illogical. Individuals under psychological counseling or drug therapy swing toward the irrational. Of course, those who need counseling and refuse to get it move toward more violent behaviors. The general rule during this time revolves around stuff you shouldn't do: Don't do magick Don't make major decisions Don't make major purchases Don't begin or complete any magickal operations Don't make any major repairs The void of course moon is a good time for relaxation and more spiritual pursuits, such as studying or taking a walk in the woods. It is like a cosmic time-out and can be very advantageous if used properly.
Lunar Phases | Magick and activities |
Waxing to Full Moon | abundance, artistic creations, attainment of goals |
Waxing | career moves, divination, fertility rituals, friendships, gardening and planting. good luck. growth of any kind, harmony, happiness, healings to increase health, inspiration, judgement, love magick, to increase wealth, obtaining goals, protection magick, to buy real estate, to stimulate and increase sexual desires, stregth, marriage, business partnerships, perform wish magick |
Full Moon | beauty and health, blessings, communication, divination, fertility magick, judgements, love magick, obtaining things and goals, prophetic dreams, develope and stregthen psychic power, shapeshifting, house blessings, spirit conjurations, marriage and business partnerships, increase wisdom |
Waning | to end addictions, to break bad habits, to reverse bad luck, bindings, break curses or hexes, jealing to end sickness, free yourself from something or someone, banish negativity, banish nightmares, end hostility, sell real estate, weight loss |
New Moon | forgiveness, quests |
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