by: MoonRaven
This spell can be performed to ease the pain of a broken relationship, divorce, death of a loved one or other painful circumstance and to build and renew a sense of hope in the future. The ingredients you will need are:
One Black Candle
3 Pieces of Amethyst
Vetivert Oil
One White Candle
3 Pieces of Rose Quartz
Lotus Oil
At Sunset on the night of the Full Moon, take the Black Candle and inscribe with a short description of your problem, i.e. divorce, break-up, death, etc. Annoint the Candle with Vetivert oil and charge it. Set the candle in a holder on your altar. Take the three pieces of amethyst and hold in your hand. Visualize your pain and pour it into the stones. Place the stones in a circle around the base of the candle holder and light the candle. Visualize the pain leaving you. Allow the candle to burn down one third of the way and then extinguish. Take one of the pieces of amethyst outside. Hold it into your hand and again see and feel your pain transferring to the stone. Then take the stone and throw it from you with all your might. Never take this stone up again. Repeat this spell for the next two nights, until the candle has completely burned down, and the amethyst stones are gone. Take any remaining wax from the candle and bury off of your property.
At Sunrise on the morning of the New Moon, take the White Candle and inscribe with the word "hope". Annoint the candle with Lotus oil and charge it. Set the candle in a holder on your altar. Take the three pieces of rose quartz and hold in your hand. Visualize a positive future for yourself. See yourself living, laughing, and enjoying life. Place the stones in a circle around the base of the candle holder and light the candle. Visualize and feel a strong sense of hope and expectancy coming to you. Allow the candle to burn down one third of the way and then extinguish. Repeat this spell for the next two nights, until the candle has completely burned down. Take the rose quartz pieces and place one in your purse, pocket, medicine bag, or amulet to be carried with you. Place another by a window sill in a sunny room. Take the last piece and bury it by a tree in your yard as an offering. If you don't have a yard, you may bury it in a flower pot or plant in your home or place outside the entrance of your home.
Be takes time for pain to come to an end, but this spell will set you well on your way.
RELEASE OF PAIN INCANTATION/RITUAL By 6/96 (This is to be done on a rainy night outdoors. Stand in the rain and let it touch you - do not wear heavy clothing to protect yourself from it. Call the rain and draw it down harder. Cast no circle, lest the pain stay trapped within it. When the downpour becomes heavy, begin. Say the incantation charged full of emotion and let it come from the heart.) Rain, take the pain. Rain, take the pain. Rain, take the pain. Rain, take the pain. Rain, take the pain. Rain, take the pain. Rain, take the pain. Rain, take the pain. Rain, take the pain. Rain, wash away my pain. Cry for me and take away my tears. Rain, wash away my pain. Cry for me and take away my fears. (Hold palms open to the sky and let the rain fill them. Wash your face and eyes with it. Repeat this three times.) Let the tears fall, with the water, into the earth,into the rock. (Let the pain go, release the energy. Let it wash away. Imagine it leaving you and entering the earth bound by rock.)
Letting Go Of A Bad Love Affair When: 7:00pm Wear: something you wore in the presence of your old love You Will Need: a black ribbon, white candle, pink candle, picture of former love (if you don’t have one, write their name on a piece of paper), a paper bag Incense: Alyssum or bay Ritual: Light the candles and incense. As the smoke rises, imagine the hurts and harsh words of the past rising with it. Take off whatever piece of clothing you wore in the presence of your old love. Hold the clothing in your hands and close your eyes. Imagine all the old hurts, the break up, the hurting words, the actions that hurt both of you leaving you and going into the clothing you are holding. Wad it up into a ball and begin widnign the black ribbon around it tightly. As you do so, repeat these words, “As I bind this old rag, I let you go. I wish you well in all you do. I wish me to let go of you. I ask for this favor to be granted of me. Let me be free and go in peace. To love again and not be tied to you. I wish you well in all you do.” Place the bound garment in the paper sack and throw it far from your home the next day.