Rules: Woman, cycles, birth, generation, inspiration, poetry, emotions, travel, the sea and tides, fertility, rain, intuition, psychic ability, secrets, dreams New or Crescent Moon: The Maiden, birth and initiation, virginity, beginnings, the hunt Full Moo: The Mother, growth, fulfillment, sexuality, maturation, nurturing, love Waning or Dark Moon: The Crone, the woman past menopause, old age, deep secrets, wisdom, divination, prophecy, death and resurrection, endings Day: Monday Element: Water Color: New: White or silver Full: Red or green Waning: Black Sign: Cancer Tone: Ti Letter: S Number: 3 or 9 Jewel: Moonstone, pearl, quartz, rock crystal Incense: Ginseng, jasmine, sandalwood Plants: Banana, cabbage, chamomile, chickweed, cucumber, leafy vegetables, lotus, melons, mushrooms, myrtle, opium, poppy, pumpkin, purslane, sea weed, watercress, wild rose, wintergreen Tree: Willow Animals: Hare, elephant, cat Goddesses: New: Artemis Full: Diana, Mari Waning: Hecate, Anna Gods: Atlas, Khonsu, Sin Miriam Simos from The Spiral Dance