Everyone wants to perform spells and works of magic with consistent and reliable results. There are essentially five so-called "ingredients" that comprise the art of creating successful works of magic. You can adapt them or arrange them according to your own needs as long as you employ them all. These components are personal will, timing, imagery, direction, and balance. Let's look at each one and gain an understanding of the concept. Personal Will Personal will can also be thought of as motivation, temptation, or persuasion. In order to establish enough power to accomplish your goal, you must be sufficiently moved to perform a work of magic. If you do not focus fully on the results, or if you invest only a small amount of energy in your desire, you are unlikely to realize any true results. The stronger your need or desire is, the more likely it is that you will raise the amount of energy required to manifest what you seek. However, desire or need is not enough by itself. Bear in mind that desire must be controlled, and the will must be focused only upon a detatched view of the desired outcome of your spell or magical rite. Enflame your mind in the intent while at the same time separating yourself from the desired result. In other words, run the race mindful of the finish line but totally focused on the pace. Timing In the performance of ritual magic, timing can mean success or failure. The best time to cast a spell or create a work of magic is when the target is most receptive. Receptivity is usually assured when the target is passive. People sleep, corporations close overnight and during holidays, etc. One must also take into account the phase of the Moon and the season of the year. Wiccans always work with nature and not against her. Generally speaking, 4:00 a.m. in the target zone is the most effective time to cast a spell of influence over a person or situation. Imagery The success of any work also depends on images created by the mind. This is where the imagination enters into the formula. Anything that serves to intensify the emotions will contribute to success of your spell. Any drawing, statue, photo, scent, article of clothing, sound, or situation that helps to merge you with your desire will greatly add to your success. Imagery is a constant reminder of what you wish to attract or accomplish. It acts as a homing device in its role as a representation of the object, person, or situation for which the spell is intended. Imagery can be shaped and directed all according to the will of the Wiccan without detracting from focusing the mind on the spell's intent. This becomes the pattern or formula that leads to realization of desire. Surround yourself with images of your desire and you will resonate the vibrations that will attract the thing you desire. Direction Once enough energy has been raised, you must direct it toward your desire. Do not be anxious concerning the results, because anxiety will act to draw the energy back to you before it can take effect. Perform your spell casting with the expectation that the magic will work, accept that it has, and simply await its manifestation. Reflecting back on the spell tends to ground the energy because it draws the images and concepts back to you. Once the spell is cast, mentally detatch yourself and try to give the matter no more thought so as not to deplete its effectiveness. Mark a seven-day period off on your calendar and evaluate the situation seven days later. It usually takes about seven days (one lunar quarter) for magic to manifest. Balance The last aspect of magic one has to take into account is personal balance. This means that one must consider the need for the work of magic and the consequences on both the spell caster and the target. If anger motivates your magical work, then wait a few hours or sleep on it overnight. While anger can be a useful propellant for a spell, it can also cloud the thinking. If possible, make sure you have exhausted the normal means of dealing with something before you move to a magical solution. Make sure you are feeling well enough to work magic and plan to rest afterward. Magic requires a portion of your vital essence drawn from your aura. Replenish this with rest even if you do not feel tired. Health problems begin in the aura long before the body is aware of them. by Raven Grimassi, copyright 1998