Copyright Eliza Fegley, 2003. Lilith dates back to the bird-serpent goddess of antiquity. In Sumeria, she was portrayed as having both the wings and claws of a bird. Some reliefs show her lower half as being the body of a serpent or she is shown as a serpent with the head and breasts of a woman. There are many possibilities as to her early goddess names: Belil-ili, Belili, Lillake [7], or Ninlil [12]. She was a goddess of agriculture as well as the "hand of Inanna". She was said to dwell in the trunk of the Huluppu-tree: "Then a serpent who could not be charmed Made its nest in the roots of the huluppu-tree. The Anzu-bird set his young in the branches of the tree. And the dark maid Lilith built her home in the trunk." [11] Lilith also helped women in childbirth and nursed infants. Recent translations of her name are varied andrange from "screech owl"[13], lilah which is darkness or night in Hebrew, to Lilitu which is said to be the Babylonian word for "evil night-spirit." Her symbols are the crossroad, owl, serpent, tree, and dark moon.
Lilith and Sexuality Copyright Eliza Fegley, 2003. Lilith, as "hand of Inanna," would gather men from the streets and lead them to the temples of the sacred prostitutes. Later, as the first wife of Adam, she refused to lie beneath Adam and be his submissive. Instead she chose to have sex with "evil" spirits and beget more demons. (Who could blame her?) Lilith was comfortable with her sexuality, something that frightened the Jewish patriarch who believed that merely having sex for pleasure was a form of abortion. In recent times, Lilith has morphed into the succubus and incubus or the night hag who sits on the chests of men and causes them to have perverse dreams so that they will ejaculate. She could take the form of either a man or a woman: ". . .who appear to mankind, to men in the likeness of women, and to women in the likeness of men, and with men they lie by night and by day."[10] Men fear Lilith because she knows the power of her sexuality and she knows that her sexuality has power over men. Like Circe, she turns men into beasts or pigs by opening the doorways to their deep and primal sexual desires. Such desires are forbidden by the Jewish and Christian cults. Women, who are like the submissive Eve, also fear Lilith because of the power she holds. But, as has been shown in the myth of the garden of Eden, Lilith is not an enemy of womankind. She holds the ancient fruit of knowledge, the secrets of our deepest sexual nature, and she is willing to offer this fruit to us.
Lilith as Vampire Copyright Eliza Fegley, 2003. As the mother of all demons, Lilith has recently been linked to either giving birth to the first vampires or being the first vampire. This fallacy is linked to past Jewish superstitions in that Lilith drank the blood of children while in the form of an owl. In the Rabbi's frenzy to drive Lilith's worshippers away from the goddess, they made up lies such as this which contradicted her earlier functions as a protectress and helper of birthing mothers and infants.