A VERY Small Herbal Grimore
Like the title of this page says, this is a small list of herbs and flowers along with some of their magickal properties. I am definately an Herbalist both for magickal and medicinal uses. This will grow when I find more info. If you can't find the name of the herb you are looking for, maybe you know it by a folk name. I have compiled a folk name reference page to help you.
This list should only be for magickal uses only. I am not a doctor and will not list medicinal uses here for your and mine safety! The best way to use these herbs are by making sachets or small pouches to carry these herbs with you. You must empower or activate the herbs with your energy for your use. Then place them in the sachet and carry them with you or make dream pillows with them (herbs in a pouch you put in your pillow case to sleep on). I have also used the herbs with banishing properties by sprinkle a mixture of a few around my home and property. You can also crush the herbs and burn them on charcol blocks made especially for this purpose.
Astrological Herbs:
Please note that some of these are poisonous! Please double check with someone knowledgable before ingesting any kind of herb, etc. The ones I've notated with * are not to be ingested--period! The ones with {P} next to them should be handled very carefully (or avoided) by pregnant or nursing women. The ones with ** next to them can be harmful to people with certain long term illnesses--please ask your Dr. about them
Aries: blessed thistle, broom, cowslip, ferns*, garlic, gentrain, hemp**, marjoram, mustard seed, nettle, yellow dock.
Taurus: coltsfoot, dandelion, flax**, lovage, plantain, sage, thyme
Gemini: caraway seed, dog grass, ferns*, flax seed**, lavender, mandrake*, scullcap, vervain, yarrow{P}
Cancer: agrimony, betony, hyssop, lemon verbena, marigold
Leo: angelica**{P}, anise, bay leaves, dill, fennel seed, laurel, lavender, marigold, mint, mistletoe*, poppy seed, rue{P}, St. John's wort
Virgo: fennel seed, licorice, maiden hair{P}, scullcap, valerian
Libra: archangel, burdock, hearts ease, pennyroyal{P}, primrose, thyme, violet, uva ursi, verbena
Scorpio: basil{P}, blessed thistle, horehound{P}, sarsaparilla, wormwood
Sagittarius: agrimony, betony, burdock, dandelion, may apple, red clover**
Capricorn: comfrey*, henbane*, knot weed, nightshade*, slippery elm, thyme
Aquarius: frankincense, myrrh{P}, snake root, southernwood, spikenard, valerian
Pisces: Irish moss, kings fern, sea lettuce, sea spirit
- Aloe
- Beauty, protection, success, peace.
- Acacia
- burn with sandalwood to stimulate your psychic powers.
- African violet
- place one of these small plants in your home to promote spirituality and peace in your home.
- Agrimony
- protection, banishing evil forces.
- Alfalfa
- prosperity,fertility
- Allspice
- burn to attract good luck and money.
- Apple
- love magick, divination, symbol of the Goddess, fertility
- Angelica
- Protection, Exorcism. Grow in the garden as a protection. Carry the root with you as an
amulet. Burn the dried leaves in exorcism rituals.
- Anise
- protectionProtection, purification, awareness, joy. A good general
cleansing bath is made with a handful of anise seeds and a few bay leaves. A
pillow of anise keeps away nightmares.
- Anise, Star
- place some on your altarto give it power. Place one in ech of the four directions. Carry for good luck.
- Apple
- Love spells, good luck.
- Ash
- A tree with protective qualities, it is used to make
brooms for purification and wands for healing. The leaves placed beneath a
pillow induce psychic dreams. The leaves bring luck and good fortune when
carried in a pocket of bag worn around the neck.
- The buds are carried to ease a broken heart and can be
added to love and protection charms and spells.
- Barley
- protection, healing, fertility
- Basil
- Protection, love, wealth (if carried in your wallet),
healing relationships, ensuring faithfulness in a mate, courage, fertility,
exorcism. An ingredient of the Purification bath sachet. Add
to love sachets and incenses. burn to exorcise and protect against evil entities. Attracts fidelity, love, good luck, sympathy and wealth when buned. Basil given as a gift is said to bring good luck into a new home.
- Bay
- purification, promotes vitality, symbol of the newborn God Psychic visions and dreams, repels negativity and evil.
- Bay Laurel
- wisdom, protection, psychic powers, banishes negative
- Benzoin
- an excellent purifyer when burned!often it is used as a base to most incenses.
- Betony
- Add to incenses of protection and purification. Sleep on
a pillow stuffed with betony to prevent nightmares.
- Bistort
- Burn with frankincense for divination. Add to sachets for wealth and money.
- Bonset
- exorcism
- Caraway
- Protection, Passion, Add to love sachets and charms to attract a lover in the more physical
- Canation
- Worn by witches for protection during the "Burning
Times", adds energy and power when used during a ritual as an incense.
- Catnip
- make a tea out of this to promote sleep, use to attract a familiar, let your cat eat some out of your hand to create a psychic bond. As an incense it may be used to consecrate magical
- Cedar
- burned for purification, to stimulate or strengthen psychic powers, attratc love, prevent nightmares. Hang some cedar in your home to protect it from lightning.
- Celadine
- Helps the wearer escape unfair imprisonment and
entrapment, cures depression.
- Chamomile
- prosperity, calms the nerves if drunk or place in bath water Good as a meditation incense, for centering, peace,
sprinkle in your home for protection, healing, money. Plant camomile in your garden to be the guardian of the land,
and you will have certain success.
- Cinnamon
- burn to raise spiritual vibrations, aid in healing, draw money, produce protective vibrations, and stimulate psychic powers.
- Cinquenfoil
- Hang around the doors and windows for protection from
evil. Use in spells and charms for prosperity, purification and protection.
- Cinnamon
- Spiritual quests, augmenting power, love, success,
psychic work, healing, cleansing. Used in incenses for healing, clairvoyance,
high spiritual vibrations. Reputed to be a male aphrodisiac. Use in
prosperity charms.
- Clover
- Associated with the Triple Goddess. Use in rituals for
beauty, youth, healing injuries, curing madness. A Four-leaved clover enables
one to see fairies, and as a general good-luck charm. fidelity, prosperity, carry for success in every endeavor
- Clove
- Wear in an amulet or charm to dispel negativity and bind
those who speak ill of you. Cloves strung on a red thread can be worn as a
protective charm. Money matters, visions, cleansing and purification. a great purification and protection herb. Burn to dispel negative energy and stop or prevent gossip.
- Comfrey
- purification, healing, Safe travel spells, money, healing, honoring the Crone
aspect of the Goddess.
- Coriander
- Protection of home and serenity, peace , good in ritual
drinks, incenses for longevity and love spells.
Uses: If added to wine, it makes a good love potion for 2 consenting parties.
To use in this fashion, grind 7 grains of coriander and mix into a wine and
drink. Also used in love sachets and charms.
- Cowslip
- Luck in love, a woman who washes her face with milk infused
with cowslip will draw her beloved closer to her. Induces contact with
departed loved ones during dreams.
- Cypress
- The smoke of Cypress
can be used to consecrate ritual objects.
- Dandelion
- strength, making wishes, past-life work
- Damiana
- sexual prowess, energy, burn for opening psychic powers and cause visions.
- Daisy
- Decorate the house with daisies at Midsummer's Eve to bring
happiness to the home and to obtain the blessings of faeries. Daisies are
also worn at Midsummer for luck and blessings. In the old times, young
maidens would weave and wear daisy chains in their hair to attract their
- Dandelion
- Divination, welcoming, messages.
- Dill
- Useful in love charms. May also be hung in childrens rooms
to protect them from evil spirits and protect against bad dreams.
- Dragon's Blood (it's a flower not actual blood.)
- Widely used in love, protection and purification spells. Keep a
piece under the bed to cure impotency. Carried for good luck. May be
dissolved in the bath for strong purification. Add to other incenses to strengthen their powers. Burn while spellcasting or invoking for protection.
- Useful in raising spirits and to aid in meditation.
- Elder
- Branches are widely used for wands. One must always be cautious
to ask permission from the Elder Dryad before cutting or harvesting Elder
limbs or leaves and berries to avoid very bad luck. It is also considered
very bad luck to burn Elder wood. The leaves hung around the doors and
windows will ward off evil.
- Eucalyptus
- Used in healing rituals, charms and amulets. Place the leaves
around a blue candle and burn for healing energies.
- Eyebright
- Anoint eyelids with the infusion daily to induce clairvoyant
visions and psychic dreams.
- Fennel
- Purification, protection, healing, money.
- Fern
- The Fern is an extremely powerful protective plant. Grow them in
and around the house for protection from evil and negativity.
- Frankincense
- A very powerful aid to meditation. Use to purify ritual spaces
and invoke a spiritual frame of mind. burn to dispel negativity, purify magickal space, during mediatation, induce psychic visions, honors Pagan deity. Rosemary can be a substitute. Mixed with myrrh for an excellent purification incense (This is the blend that the Catholic church uses during their masses.).
- Galangal
- Burn to break hexes and spells made against you. Wear for good luck and protection. (this has a very strong odor though.).
- Gardenia
- Used to attract true love.
- Garlic
- A very protective herb, healing, good weather, courage,
- Ginseng
- power, sucess, money matters, burned to protect from all evil. Can be used as a substitute for mandrake.Carry to attract love and beauty.
- Goldenseal
- prosperity
- Gorse
- protection
- Hawthorn
- Used in protective sachets and amulets against evil influences.
Promotes happiness in marriage or a relationship. It is bad luck to cut down
a hawthorn. Burn the berries as an incense when you need energy and change in
- Hazel
- Hazel wood is excellent for an all-purpose wand. Forked branches
can be used for divining. Sprigs of Hazel can be carried for good luck, they
are especially powerful if bound together by red and gold thread.
- Henbane
- Carried to attract the love of a woman. Was once used as an
ingredient in a Witches flying ointment. Henbane is extremely poisonous and
the upmost caution is urged.
- Use this as an additive to candle anointing oils, and charms to
increase their strength.
- Holly
- Planted around the home for protection against evil. The leaves
and berries can be carried by a man to heighten his masculinity, virility and
to attract a lover.
- Hops
- Used in healing incenses and charms. Hops
placed in a pillow will help with sleep.
- Hibiscus
- love spells, induce lust
- Holly
- protection of children (just don't leave the berries around where the children can get them. The berries are poisonous), symbol of the waning year
- Honeysuckle
- prosperity, employment
- Hyssop
- protection, Use in purification baths, protective and banishing spells.
Hyssop was widely used during the Middle Ages for purification, cleansing and
consecration rituals. If burnt as an incense or thrown into a fire is said
one may draw upon magickal dragon energy.
- Ivy
- Protects the houses it grows around and over from evil and harm.
In the old traditions, Ivy and Holly was given to newlyweds as good-luck
- Used in love spells, charms and sachets. Women have used Jasmine
from the earliest recorded history because of its seductive effects on men.
- Juniper
- Protection against accidents, harm and theft. The berries are
used to attract lovers once dried and worn as a charm.
- Lavendar
- Sleep, long life, peace, wishes, protection, love,
purification, visions, attracting men, clarity of thought. An
ingredient in the Purification bath sachet, also used in purification
incenses. It is thrown onto the Midsummer fires by Witches as a sacrifice to
the ancient gods. Lavender is a frequent addition to healing
sachets,especially bath mixtures, and is added to incenses to cause sleep.
Burn to induce sleep. The scent of lavendar is said to attract men. Scatter some flowers about the home to maintain peacefulness. Use in purification baths.
- Lemon
- X Purification, love, blessings.
- Lemon Balm
- Love potions, aphrodisiacs, fertility anti depressant. Drink as
an infusion to soothe emotional pains after a relationship ends.
- Lemon Verbena
- Love charms, youth, beauty and attractiveness to the opposite
sex. Wear around your neck or place under a pillow to prevent dreams.
- Lilac
- past life work, exorcism, psychicism and attracts harmony in your life. It is also said to help clear a haunted house if the fresh flowers are placed in it.
- Marigold or Calendula
- protection, psychicism
- Mint
- Burn to increase sexual desire. Place some on your altar to call good spirits to add you in magick.
- Mugwort
- induces prophetic dreams, protects travelers, aids in astral projection, fertility, steep in hot water, when cooled, strain the mugwort and use the water to cleanse magickal items.
- Orris
- aids in astral projection, makes an excellent scyring incense.
- Patchouli
- An excellent money attracting incense. Also promotes fertility
- Pine
- burned for purification and to banish negative energies, exorcise evil supernatural entities, and to attract money. As well as breaking hexes and spells and returning them to their sender.
- Rosemary
- love healing, purifucation, increases mental prowess, prevent nightmares, dispel depression, and promotes a restful nights sleep.
- Rue
- spiritual cleansing
- Sage
- An excellent purification herb. burn to cleanse magickal space and tools. Promotes wisdom, attracts money, and aids in the healing of the body, mind and spirit.
- Sandalwood
- Burned to exocise demons and evil ghosts, conjure beneficial spirits, and promote spiritual awareness.
- Sweetgrass
- Burned to attract good spirits or beings, before performing a ritual.
- Thistle
- use in banishing spells, protection
- Thyme
- burn to purify magickal space before performing.
- Tobacco (natural. not the stuff in cigarettes although that can be used in an emergency)
- Native American Indians used to honor their deities, purification
- Valerian (this herb REALLY stinks)
- psychicism, astral projection, past-life work, protection, a tea from this herb induces sleep
- Vetivert
- Burn to break curses and protection against "black" magick.
- Wheat
- fertility, prosperity
- Wintergreen
- healing, protection
- Wormwood
- burn to stimulate and increase psychic powers. When mixed with sandalwood nad burned in a graveyard it is said to be able to conjure spirits from their graves.
- Yucca
- protection
An excellent book for Herbalism is Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham. This is a must have for an Pagan Library!! I use this all the time.
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