- Glamoury by Selene Sagewoman (c) April 2001 Merry Meet: I thought I would talk a little about the concept of Glamoury in the craft. I recall watching the movie "The Craft" where the girls were able to change their appearance by the wave of a hand. This would be wonderful if we could do it, an believe me I'd be the first to take a go at it, but it isn't quite what glamoury is. Let's talk about it... Today, the word Glamour is intended to mean the way a woman keeps up with her appearance by the use of makeup, clothing, etc. There is even a magazine by the same title. Actually, the word glamour comes from an old Scottish word gramayre, which means occult lore, magical skill and bewitchment. It is also related to the word Grammar which is where the word Grimoir (Book of Shadows or ones personal book of spells) comes from. Now as related to bewitchment Glamouring can be a good tool when it is needed, particularly when you want to take on a particular Persona (personality). You may need to do this when looking for that right job or when desiring to meet that someone special. Tony Robbins, America's #1 motivator uses a technique that he calls Mirroring, but it is really a bewitching form of Glamouring. Mirroring is when you imitate (or take on the persona) of an individual your are engaging conversation with in order for them to feel more comfortable with you and increase your chances of a positive reaction from them. For instance, you would take note of the way they sit, phrases they use frequently, arm gestures, the way they dress etc. and incorporate some of them yourself for your meeting with them. You Mirror them, not to mimick, but in order for them to see something in you they like...themself! This is a very powerful technique to use. In terms of using Glamouring when looking for a partner, think of it this way. When you are getting to know someone, don't you look for what you have in common with that person. You may even go out of your way to PRETEND that you have a particular thing in common with that person so they will be attracted to you. This is a magickal thing which only proves that humanity on the whole are magickal creatures, but are in need of a good lesson in remembering that. "A witch has done the work. A witch will recognize the game. A witch will take the mask on and off as is required...but a witch knows what the mask is!" ~ Ly de Angeles Yes, glamoury is a mask of sorts. In the Latin, the word "persona" is the actor's mask, or character. In order for you to master the art of glamouring you must take the first step which is to "Know Thyself". The reason is pretty clear...in order to know the difference between the mask and the self, you have to know what the self is. Secondly, you need to be able to access the situation to know if glamouring is necessary as is done with Tony Robbins "Mirroring" technique, and thirdly to know that glamouring is a mask, like the actors mask, that can be put on or taken off at will. Glamouring is totally dependent on circumstance and the circumstances can be different every time. Just beware of one thing...realize that glamouring is not a lie, not delusion as is with those suffering from multiple personality syndrome. It is a valued technique that you can use to empower your life. The main thing to keep in mind is this...HARM NONE. You are not using this technique to harm anyone, but to make them comfortable with you. You must be careful here. It's easy to get carried away and create a lie instead, therefore potentially setting up a person for a let down and pain. You will also hurt yourself. On a final note, a witch will use glamouring within circle when the goddess and god are being invoked. The High Priestess takes on the persona of the goddess and the High Priest that of the god. To understand this concept read what ever you can on drawing down the moon, invoking the goddess and the god. It is a normal part of creating the ritual circle. In this form, glamouring is a use of energy and not something physical. It is the energy of the dieties manifesting themselves through the HPS and HP or individually if you're working solitary. So be aware of this wonderful life-changing tool that we have available to us. Use it wisely and above all else...be honest with yourself and harm no one.