Color Correspondences
- White
Cleanses, purifies, raises vibrations to a higher frequency, appeals to spiritual plane,heals, prophecy,clairvoyance.
- Red
- South, strength, courage, sex, magnatism, passion, use to initiate change.
- Orange
- attracts success, encouragement, friendship, assits with creativity on all levels, brightens the atmosphere.
- Yellow
- East, dispels grief, sadness and depression, repels negativity, confidence, unity, attracts platonic relationships.
- Green
- North, draws prosperity and abundance, heals on the physical level, fertility. luck.
- Blue
- West, sooths anger, gives peace and serenity, good color for meditation and relaxation and for issues involving loyalty and dedication, fidelity, deep emotion. For a good nights sleep, place something blue in your bedroom (I have blue curtains!).
- Dark Blue
- occult power and protection.
- Purple
- discourages envy and jealousy, generates power for ritual work, energizes the atmosphere, psychic ability.
- Brown
- earthiness, concentration, overcoming hesitation.
- Pink
- bolsters self-esteem, helps emotional healing, spritiual awakening.
- Black
- absorbs and dispells negativity, counteracts spaciness, use for protection and grounding.
- Silver
- Removes negative forces, opens astral gates, the color of the Goddess.
- Gold
- attracts higher influences and energy, the color of the God.
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