Circle Casting #2
-Clean the space physically with your broom or even a vaccuum. Purify by burning incense. As you purify, visualize all the negative and disturbing energies leaving your sacred space.
-The altar should face the North (the direction of Earth, representing the Goddess) or East (the direction of the rising sun and represents the God). At each of the for Watchtowers, place some sort of mark or object. North is Earth (bowl of salt, a crystal, or bowl of soil). East is Air (incense, flowers or a feather). South is Fire (red or orange candle, obsidian stone). West is water (a bowl of water or shell).
-Take your athame or wand to the North. Trace the outline of the circle. Visualize energy extending out to the circle boundry. Do this 3 times. Say as you trace:
I cast this circle to protect me from outside influences. I charge this circle to draw in only loving and helping vibrations. I create sacred space.
-When you return to the North, face towards your circle's barrier. Raise your athame or wand. Say:
God, Goddess, and Guardians of the North. Powers of the Earth, I call you to attend my circle.
-Move to the East. Raise your wand or athame. SAy:
Gor, Goddess, and Guardians of the East, I call you to attend my circle.
-Move to the South. Raise your wand or athame. SAy:
God, Goddess, and Gaurdians of the South. Power of fire, I call you to attend my circle.
- Move to the West. Raise your wand or athame and say:
God, Goddess, and Gaurdians of the Wst. Powers of water, I call you to attend my circle.
-Return to the altar and proceed with ritual work.
Closing the Circle
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